Hi, Rodrigo here.

Technical Writer

Picture of Rodrigo

What I do

Technical Writing

I take dry and difficult software jargon and produce easy-to-read documentation that's sure to make it easier for everyone involved. SDKs, APIs, and databases are my main focus as of late.

Front-End Magic

Whether you're looking to make an application with minimal functionality or enhance your exisiting site, frontend development is what I'm best at. Some of the current technologies I use are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and React.

Back-End Know-How

If it's the back-end of things you're preoccupied with, I boast a solid understanding of server-side development. Knowledge of APIs, Git, Ruby on Rails, as well as MongoDB and PostgresSQL (for your database management system needs); all to make your web applications functional and efficient.

My Work


Technical Writer and Software Engineer

When I graduated high school, I applied and was accepted into a video game design program on the condition that I attend a summer bootcamp in preparation for the following semester. After a day spent gazing at mathematical formulas and complicated code, I ran for dear life and vowed to stick to English. Some six years later and I've come full circle (and yes, the irony isn't lost on me). I now spend my days writing code, reading documentation, and panicking when I break some code. You can find my latest work down below!

My work

My Lastest Code Projects